Write to Elder Nelson

Email: anelson136@myldsmail.net

Pouch Service:

Elder Austin Nelson
Chile Concepción Mission
P.O. Box 30150
SLC, UT 84130-0150

*Only postcards and letters that are single sheet, folded into three-panels, and taped at the top only (no envelopes), may be sent through the pouch or use dearelder.com.

Friday, March 12, 2010

One Life Saved!

Letter Received March 8, 2010:

hey hey my familia:

Well this week has seemed a little more normal because we have got to actually been able to teach some lessons and have been working hard. We have been starting to have some success because I think that we have made kind of a step in our teaching and I have made kind of a change and took a step with the language and have been working really hard to better myself that way so that I can move forward with speaking and understanding better.

But no, Dad, we haven't been told that we need not to wear a badge. We are about back to normal and we haven't had any problems personally with robbings but we all sleep with a weapon next to our bed just in case. I have a claw hammer, ha, ha. But we are ok so don't worry that way we are safe. Last week was bad, but this week is all good because now we have electricity. It was worse like ten or fifteen minutes away from where we live but there is military in the streets at midnight now so we have no need to worry. But we have been doing well.

I have some news that is a little disappointing, Emmanuel didn't get baptized this week but is going to be next week for sure. He had an emergency come up. So he had to go out to the country, but he is still very animated and is still good for the baptism. So we will be good next week.

But yeah, Conce is much worse off then we are. They have to be in their houses at six o' clock at night and they can't leave their houses until noon. They have lunch at 1:30 and they leave lunch at three thirty so they get to work for like four hours, crappy huh! But yeah, they are a lot worse off then we are. We are about back to normal and doing well and I looked at Britt's blog sounds like he is doing really well and seems positive. He sounds really optimistic and I know that he is going to do miracles in the mission field.

Sounds like you are all doing well. Everything seems to be getting back to normal here. I miss you all and sounds like you all have been really busy. But I am thinking that you could send that package next week but I don't know so I would just send it and have to take the chance that it gets to Concepcion because I don't know what its like there. But the Hermanas in my district got theirs so it should be ok. I've got to go but I think that if you send next week, I think that it should be good. I love and miss you all and glad to here that you are all doing good.

Elder Nelson
We Received this letter later that same day:

Hey, I forgot to tell you that we went to Constitution to do some service there. That is on the ocean where the tsunami hit and they need a lot of help. Well we went out there to help and bag some food and supplies and we had a really cool experience.

We were working and just doing work when all of a sudden, another tsunami warning came and all the people that we working with started running. All the military guys started running and they yelled tsunami and so we started sprinting away towards the hills and these hills they're all really steap like the mountains in Utah, like the pass. I ran and told my comp and we started sprinting towards the hill. We had a place in Constitution that we are supposed to meet for a situation like this so we were running up this hill where all the cars are going up this really steep hill.

There was this giant loader going up the hill and the streets are really skinny here so there wasn't much room and there was this old guy and his wife pushing there industrial bike up the hill (an industrial bike is one of those bikes like in Nacho Libre, the bike that he rides, that is what it is except it doesn't have a motor) but like they weren't getting anywhere. Me and my Comp were wondering why they weren't just running for there lives. It was an old lady like 60s and her husband probably about the same age and a little girl`probably about three and they were pushing this thing up the hill right next the tractor and the little girl was on the side of the bike right next to traffic. So I saw that and we started running towards them to get them some help to get them out of there. Then I saw the little girl start moving towards the tractor and she went right in the way of the tractor like 5 seconds away from getting killed and I got there just in time, ran to her and her parents weren't watching and I ran past them and swooped her with my arm from under the tractor and pulled her out before she got squashed and I saved her.

It was awesome and the Lord blessed me because I have never ran that fast in my life but I got to her and then I gave her to the mom or the grandma and she thanked me so much and we got them out. Then after we left and got to the spot where we were all supposed to meet we found out that it ended up being a false alarm and we left and came home. We had been there for a reason, I know it! It was amazing! But yeah, I just wanted to tell you guys. Well, I love and miss you all, I will write you next week.

Elder Nelson
one life saved

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hola Elder Nelson:
Soy Hermana Rodríguez, (Former companion of Lexie). Estuve leyendo tu posteado en el blog y puedo decirte que cuando estamos en las manos del Señor, él nos guía para el bien de sus hijos. La terrible catástrofe por la cual está pasando mi gente y mi país son oportunidades preciosas para compartir el evangelio. Debes ser inteligente con tu compañero y aprovechar esta situación para predicar el evangelio.
Sé que Dios bendice a sus misioneros, especialmente aquellos que están sirviendo a sus hermanos extranjeros en sus países, no te rindas en el idioma, sigue adelante nomás!

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